Timiskaming District Secondary School Home

Join the Upcoming PIC Committee Meeting

DSB1 is pleased to welcome all DSB1 family members and School Council members to our upcoming Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) meeting on Wednesday, February 19 starting at 5:30 p.m.
This virtual session (via Microsoft Teams) is a great opportunity to connect, and learn more about board programs and initiatives. Click the title to learn more and join the meeting.

Black History Month 2025

Black History Month is an opportunity to honour the resilience, achievements, and contributions of Black Canadians. Let's celebrate and learn more about the rich history and culture that have helped shape Canada.

About our School

Principal: Lisa Taylor
Vice-Principal: Anna Turner
Vice-Principal (Acting): Todd Dufresne
The mission of this school is to help each of our students to develop his or her potential as an individual and as a contributing member of our society. This, of course, is a shared responsibility involving the student, the teachers, and the parents.